Session 1: Introduction
This lecture lays the foundation for the rest of the series–establishing goals, acknowledging anxieties, and engaging myths about the book of Revelation.

Session 2: Challenging Assumptions
In this lecture, Shane J. Wood directly challenges the assumption “Revelation is a chronological road-map of the future” by asking the question, “What if Revelation wants to do more than just predict?”

Session 3: Defusing Semantic Bombs
In this lecture, Shane J. Wood answers the questions “Are we living in the Last Days?” and “What is prophecy?” by relying on the Bible’s definitions of each.

Session 4: The People of the Revelation (Historical Background)
Shane J. Wood explains the importance of the historical background of Revelation and summarizes their world with one word: Conflict.

Session 5: Learning to Ask the Right Questions (Genre)
This lecture explores the genre of Revelation (i.e., “what type of writing”) in order to guide our questions and explorations of this enigmatic book.

Session 6: The Imagery of the Book of Revelation (Symbols)
After dealing with the debate over “literal vs. figurative” readings of Revelation, Shane J. Wood dives deep into the ocean of symbols immersing the Apocalypse of John.

Session 7: A Peculiar Organization of Thought (Structure)
In this lecture, Shane J. Wood explains a key difficulty in Revelation interpretation: the book structures its thoughts in an unfamiliar manner.

Session 8: The Message of Revelation (Application)
This lecture explores the powerful message from the book of Revelation for the church today – a message that far surpasses date setting and predictions.

Session 9: What about the Mark of the Beast? (Rev. 13:16-18)
Using all of the tools in the previous lectures, Shane J. Wood interprets “666” in context to reveal a message far more simple than terrifying.

Session 10: What about the Rapture? (Rev. 4:1)
In this lecture, Shane J. Wood summarizes the historical origins and the biblical evidence for the concept of the rapture – a study that reveals a startling conclusion about the topic as a whole.

Session 11: What about Heaven? (Rev. 21-22)
Ending how the book of Revelation ends, Shane J. Wood explores the mysterious beauty of heaven.