Simplifying Revelation pt. 1: How to Study the Book of Revelation

The book of Revelation can be terrifying. Confusing. Overwhelming. But in this 11-session group study, Shane simplifies Revelation by taking you step-by-step through the proper tools to engage the text. He answers questions like: “What is prophecy?”; “What do we do with the Mark of the Beast?”; and even “What about the rapture?” Overall, he challenges the reader to surrender themselves to the transformation of the Spirit through the last book of the New Testament. Continue

Simplifying Revelation pt. 2 – Interpreting the Book of Revelation

Building off of the interpretative tools in Simplifying Revelation pt. 1, this series goes chapter by chapter through the book of Revelation to unveil the contents of this mysterious book by emphasizing the importance of the first five words of the book: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” Continue

The Book of Daniel: Exile, Identity, and the God Who Saves

The book of Daniel begins with the nation of Israel in exile, living under the shadow of the Babylonian empire. In this 11-session group study, Shane walks through the entire book of Daniel, exploring questions of identity, both “Who am I?” and “Who is the God of the exiles?” As the stories and imagery unfold, this Old Testament book has a remarkable amount to say to twenty-first century Christians today. Continue

Between Two Trees: Our Transformation from Death to Life

This group study accompanies Shane’s best-selling book, “Between Two Trees: Our Transformation from Death to Life.” In this study, Shane suggests the problem of Eden is much worse than you thought, but the solution is much better than you could have ever imagined. The real tragedy of Eden is a union with death, a union that produces division and despair. Life isn’t lived under Eden’s tree of life or beneath the healing leaves of the tree in the New Jerusalem. It is lived between them. And between these two trees, life is hard. In spite of this tragedy, Between Two Trees will challenge you to embrace hope, love, and the beauty of reconciliation at the true tree of life: the cross of Calvary. Continue