In Jesus’ parting words, he says, “Fight with me. Fight with me by fighting for unity. Fight with me by relying on God alone. Fight with me by taking my words to the nations. Fight with me by being a people of prayer.” Continue

In Jesus’ parting words, he says, “Fight with me. Fight with me by fighting for unity. Fight with me by relying on God alone. Fight with me by taking my words to the nations. Fight with me by being a people of prayer.” Continue
Children challenge me to dream without limits, to think about the impossible, to be idealistic. For children actually trust that: If we believe in Jesus, we can change the world! Continue
In John 20:21-23, Jesus invites us to breathe in the Spirit–inhaling life and infiltrating our being–in order to exhale life to the world around us. In other words, the Spirit transforms us into agents of creation. Continue
The Lord’s Supper detached from the story can feel just like a mid-service snack where you’re left craving more or even a little peanut butter. But when we realize that this meal defines us as a people, we start to understand the mystery of this meal: when we ingest it, it invites us to become the symbol itself. Continue
Expectations can be blinding. Expectations can cause confusion, frustration, miscommunication. When we are blinded by our expectations, Jesus loudly proclaims: Listen to Me! Continue
When does God show the full extent of his love? It is not to say that creation is not an act of God’s love, because it is. It is not to say the incarnation is not an act of God’s love, because it is. It is not to say the crucifixion is not an act of God’s love, because it is. Yet, there is only one time in the Bible where it describes an action with this designation, and it comes in John 13:1. Continue
Two great threats exist in our churches and in our communities. Churches do not split over carpet color or worship music styles; churches split over bad communication and selfishness. Continue
Money is not a reward-it’s a responsibility. Money is a fire that can either be used by you or against you—there is no in between. Continue
If our theology doesn’t impact how we live then it is absolutely worthless, and I don’t know about you, but at the center of my theology stands a big cross. So here is the question: Do we get to choose who we love? Continue
What do you do when your brother becomes your enemy? When your closest friend becomes your greatest foe? What do you do? When is ‘enough’ enough? Continue
It is so easy, and even tempting, to think that: My Sin is My Sin. It only affects me—it is my individual sin, and therefore whatever I do only affects me. But the Bible and experience suggest something quite different: your sin is always communal! Continue
I hate the life of John because I feel like I am looking into a mirror of my own soul. But I love the life of John because it shows me there is hope for the transformation of my soul. Continue
Hypocrisy is so much more than just hiding behind a mask; it is direct denial of the identity of God. We must remove the masks. Continue